My eyesight was blurry this morning.
I woke up, looked across the room, and couldn’t quite make out what I was seeing. It’s not so much that I didn’t know what I was looking at - an eclectic collection of objects on the mantelpiece - but more that I could no longer discern what I believed to be their distinctive features. I was surprised to discover that some of them looked more appealing as wavy colorful blobs of light. And even as my vision settled into its usual acuity, the details somehow looked pleasantly different.
Perhaps there is always another way to look at things. Perhaps if we let ourselves look away for a moment, we can look back and see something more beautiful. Perhaps we can give ourselves permission to notice what has always been present and appreciate what has never been seen. Perhaps when we look out into the garden, the grass really can be greener.
This insight comes with the blessing of tonight’s Full Moon in Libra. Full Moons are always a time of lively culmination, that moment when the Moon pauses to gaze soulfully into the eyes of the blazing Sun. They draw us out into the world, filling our bodies, hearts and minds with electric ephiphanies. We open our doors to the brightness of the night sky and we suddenly see how it all fits together.
Full Moons in Libra are doubly dynamic. The balancing scales of Libra remind us that there are always two sides to a story, just as they encourage us to weigh and measure our points of view. A Full Moon in Libra asks us to consider how the sights we set shape the world around us, and to understand that the world may have other ideas. Libra is ruled by harmony-hungry Venus, which looks over tonight’s Full Moon from its sensual sanctuary of Taurus. This version of Venus entreats us all to breathe in the intoxicating perfume of a fresh perspective.
So know this to be true as you feel the moonlight wash over you: Your grass really can be greener, if only you let yourself see it that way. Tonight’s Full Moon is a reminder that a new way of looking at life already exists inside you, and it’s never more than a blink away. So go out into the world and see what it awakens inside you. See what gets blurry, and see what gets clear. Connect with the joyful rhythm of the lunar cycle and, as always, enjoy the show.
For my part, I’ll spend some time these next few days reflecting on how the recent seismic shits in our solar system are reweaving my awareness. Since Pluto entered into the sign of Aquarius two weeks ago - for the first time since 1798 - we have seen the opening shots of tremendous transformation in our relationships with technology, identity, community and the future of humanity. From the looming economic disruption of artificial intelligence and the escalating war over crypto currency to accelerating climate change and crumbling gender norms, fear is rife and the prospect of a new dystopia feels ever present.
Underneath this societal horror show lies a chance to release the rot and embrace the rapture of rebirth. Pluto calls us into the shadows to understand our deepest fears, just as it invites us to move through these fears into a place of absolute power. This can be an intense and demanding process, so I invite you to join me for a Deep Change Circle if you’re feeling called to find the power beneath your fear. You’ll uncover how you can navigate this 20-year period of Pluto in Aquarius in the best interests of yourself, society and the planet we call home.
I’ll be leading the Circle with my dear friend and fellow advocate for humanity Sarah Santacroce on Tuesday, May 2 just as Pluto stops in the sky and makes its first firm impression on our world. We’ll offer a full introduction to the themes and topics that Pluto in Aquarius awakens from within; show you how to connect directly with its profoundly potent energy; and explore how we can work with the dark heart of our solar system to bring desperately needed change to our sense of identity, community and humanity.
From Fear to Power: Deep Change Circle with Pluto in Aquarius
Tuesday, May 2: 5 - 7 pm Europe / 4 - 6 pm UK / 11 am - 1 pm EDT / 8 - 10 am PDT
Attend live, or enjoy the replay when the time is right for you. All are welcome, with a suggested donation of $44.
See the agenda and register to attend here.
PS: If you were born between 1977 and 1980, like me, tonight’s Full Moon will be right on top of Pluto in your birth chart. Yowza! 🌕
Lunar Cycle Workshop:
You’re invited to join my next Mission to the Moon from May 19 - June 16! I’ll guide you through the lunar cycle in real time, and you will reconnect with the fundamental rhythm of your life. Participants tell me that their sense of time is forever changed (in a good way). Please consider the listed price to be an anchor point as I transition to a donation-based business model, and send me a note if you’d like to contribute a different amount.
Donation-Based Quantum Coaching:
I’m offering 45-minute Donation-Based Quantum Coaching Sessions for the next while. Quantum coaching empowers you to change your experience of life as you clear your inner blueprint and learn to reassert a new emotional reality. I invite you to book a session in my online calendar, and I encourage you to share the link with anyone you believe might benefit.